‘Self-Gamification Happiness Formula’ is Born

The birth (launch) of each book is unique. Today I announce the birth of my twelfth book and as for each of the ones before I am excited and…scared. 😉

For Self-Gamification Happiness Formula: How to Turn Your Life into Fun Games, this is, even more, the case because I hope it will empower its readers to find back into their creative flow, into their creative and happy state of mind. I am convinced it has this potential, but I can’t say for sure how it will be received.

So I am letting it out there and invite you to check it out.

You can find the book page (and the book’s description) by clicking on the link and the picture above or by clicking one of the links on Amazon depending on what format you are interested in:

⇒ Click to buy the e-book ⇐
⇒ Click to buy the paperback ⇐