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Online Courses

Online video course on Udemy:
Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life into Fun Games

“How to tackle daily projects in a more fun way.”
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This introductory video to the Udemy course on Self-Motivation and Self-Gamification (https://www.udemy.com/motivate-yourse…) explains one of the reasons why I created this course. The course’s title is: Motivate Yourself by Turning Your Life Into Fun Games. And the subtitle: Practice Self-Gamification, a Unique Self-Help Approach Uniting Anthropology, Kaizen, and Gamification

You can now learn about Self-Gamification for an online course on Udemy: https://www.udemy.com/motivate-yourself-by-turning-your-life-into-fun-games/learn/v4/overview

Check out the promotional video of the course here:

Here is a video introducing a book crowdfunding project Self-Gamification: Turn Your Life into a Fun Game. The project didn’t reach its target, but the video gives an idea of what the book will be about. I am working right now on finalizing the manuscript.

Projects with:

AOF Nord
The South Gate Society School of Creative Writing
  • Teaching self-gamification, self-publishing, creative non-fiction, and fiction inspired by true events.
