I have several books with quotes, jokes and “Brain Droppings” as the title of a book by George Carlin name them.
This book is one of the quirkiest, funniest and sharpest of this kind I have found so far.
Here are five of George Carlin’s brain droppings I’ve discovered in this book today (and which made me laugh, as well as also stop and think), with some of my brain droppings on the side:
“A laugh is a smile with a hole in it.”
That made a hole in my smile.
“I never liked a man I didn’t meet.”
Did this make you frown and then laugh?
“Always do whatever’s next.”
Obvious, isn’t it? No more questions in the future.
The Rule No. 11 from “Rules to live by” is simply hilarious and makes daydreaming, of which I often blame myself, sound all the more attractive 😉 :
“Always remember, today doesn’t count. Trying to make something out of today only robs you of precious time that could be spent daydreaming or resting up.”
“The nicest thing about anything is not knowing what it is.”
True. As soon as we think we know it, this anything looses its sparkle for us. But if we notice that it interests others, we suddenly see it in a different light, since we didn’t know it could be interesting for someone else except us. So, it’s new and unknown again.
Pictures: I discovered these after waking from two different day dreams (And in case you ask, or maybe not – yes, I did make an “Aw!” sound and water the second).