Here is a call-out to those, who follow me here on my blog but don’t follow me on social media, or who haven’t seen this message on Facebook or LinkedIn.
During the past three weeks, I had one of the most beautiful summer vacations one can have. First, my husband, our children, and I spent a week at the Weissenhäuser Strand resort in Germany. After that, we came back home to Aalborg, Denmark, and spent the rest of the holidays here and the vicinity with my husband’s closest relatives from Germany, as well as with my relatives living in Denmark coming for a visit for a reunion party. It was amazing, rejuvenating, and fun.
During these holidays, I realized how much I enjoyed being off-social-media most of the time. I also realized that I kept some of my social media accounts not because I enjoyed being there, but because I thought I had to (especially for my business). After recalling that I am free to make choices, which are suitable for me right now, I decided to reduce my presence on social media and enjoy being where I am, including enjoying writing and reading more.
That is why I chose to deactivate my Instagram and Twitter accounts. You can still reach me through my e-mail, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Quora accounts. You can find links to these media in the header of this website and also in the contact (for the e-mail address).
You can also find me on Goodreads if you are interested in books I have read or am reading now. However, I am not that often there and don’t participate in any chats or conversations.
If you are curious in the books, I recommend reading then check out my Recommended Reading List.
Have further on a beautiful summer!
P.S. Don’t forget to check out my latest book, the Self-Gamification Happiness Formula, by clicking here or on the image below: