Contributing to Mekon’s Bitesize on Business Rules – 8: What is more important, or what comes first – business rules or implementation?

I used to think of S1000D business rules and S1000D implementation separately. I did think business rules definition to be a part of the whole S1000D implementation process. But other than that I couldn’t think of a connection between them. Implementation was always something big, and quite the unknown. The business rules, on the other hand, were more concrete and therefore easier to grasp.

Little did I know that someday I would find an entirely different connection between them, without intending this. Only after publishing my book “Take Control of Your Business”, where I give a simple introduction to business rules, I discovered that I had attributed the rules of implementation processes to be a part of a complete set of business rules.

In the eighth article to Mekon‘s Bitesize on Business Rules, I have shared the whole story, told how I discovered the business rules definition and implementation processes to be entangled more than I have expected, and also about the recognition why they never should be considered separately.

Click here to find out more: Bitesize Business Rules: What is more important, or what comes first – business rules or implementation?

At the end of this article, you will also find an invitation to a webinar (planned for May 24 and June 28) with the title “S1000D is More than a PDF file, default BREX, and XML Schemas”.

Click here to find out more: “S1000D is More than a PDF file, default BREX, and XML Schemas”.

(Credits: Photograph © under the keyword “business”)

P.S. Check out the two new books on Business Rules and S1000D Issue 4.1 & Issue 4.2.