S1000D Issue 4.1 and Issue 4.2 Navigation Map in 3D and its Update

I am thrilled that in the S1000D consulting projects I worked in the past two years since publishing S1000D Issue 4.1 and Issue 4.2 Navigation Map: 552+87 and 427+90 Business Rules Decision Points Arranged into two Linear Topic Maps to Facilitate Learning, Understanding, and Implementation of S1000D®, I got to use it quite a lot and test it (as well as its predecessor before it). It proved to be very helpful and accelerate the generation of the projects’ business rules as well as the implementation of this international specification. I am very grateful and proud of that fact.

Since working on the book, I have noticed a few minor changes that needed to be done. I made them recently especially because I started working on the new resource for S1000D, which as of now will feature five different Issues of the Specification and will serve, as I hope, as a universal implementation map for the S1000D users.

Here is the summary of changes for both e-book and paperback of the S1000D Issue 4.1 and Issue 4.2 Navigation Map as well as the Excel sheets available here:

  • The number of BRDP in the subtitle of the book for Issue 4.2 was corrected from 429 to 427. That led to unpublishing of the older paperback and publication of the new. So it has now a new ISBN. Thus, if you recommend the book to someone, please don’t give them the old ISBN but instead the title and they will be able to find it on any big online retailer. Here is the link to the book’s page just in case if you like to share it. The links to the online stores there are up-to-date.
  • Correction in formatting (e.g., missing captions added, and those that weren’t made bold)
  • Some relations between Issue 4.1 and 4.2 had minor errors, which were corrected.
  • And here is the most significant modification and the only one of this size: BRDP-S1-00301 and BRDP-S1-00303 were erroneously in Topic 43 for Issue 4.1 and Topic 42 for Issue 4.2. Now they have been moved into the front matter Topic 73 for Issue 4.1 and Topic 71 for Issue 4.2.

If you know someone, who works with S1000D and who also purchased the S1000D Issue 4.1 and Issue 4.2 Navigation Map, please share this information with them. Thank you in advance!

If you or your colleagues have questions on this, feel free to contact me at vib@optimistwriter.com.

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